Scott Robert
3 min readJun 20, 2024


Your probably a bot, but I’ll give this a try anyway.

I am sorry your so angry, although I know not what about.

I am no Marxist. I have been a capitalist since I started working at 13 years old. i have sat on many boards and was a cog in the machine too.

Those years I also witnessed the destruction of true capitalism, democracy and the bastardization of religion as to be unrecognizable. I have witnessed a culture of materialism, narcissism and outright criminality in the highest office in the land in those ensuing years. I have seen the downfall of society and it’s not coming at the tip of a nuclear weapon (yet), it’s coming from within. A house divided against itself can not long stand..,,

Money SHOULD NOT BE SPEACH. Humans have speech and other inalienable rights.

Reason with passion, not, might makes right was how civilization advanced during the “Enlightenment once the dark ages were over and gave rise to these United States of America.

Add in the many years in and around the quasi-Christian American evangelical cult church. I am no fan.

I am a former Republican voter (gave that up decades ago. I have witnessed the one truly stolen in modern history, it ended with a Supreme Court stopping vote counting and appointing a president. The election was stolen by Republicans and the Supreme Court.

He was then asleep at the wheel and let american get attacked. He and his minions preceded to LIE to the American people and start a 25 year war to rob us of our blood and treasure.

Now 16 years from the financial crisis, 4 years after a pandemic. $12 TRILLION DOLLARS has been stolen, robbed, grafted and grifted from the Federal Reserve, directly into the pockets of the 1,200 richest families in America. While you huddled in your home wondering if you would die of COVID.

Now fascists (look it up), violent death cult Christian Nationalists who run the Republican Party. Are planning to continued the destruction of American democracy.

Corporations and wealthy families are buying up all the politicians, judges and special interests that they can get their hands on as quick as they can.

In 14 years, since citizens United, they have stolen america and turned citizens against each other so they don’t look for the real problem. Them, their greed and oversized influence in the government, culture and every daily product or service you require to live.

Capitalism is not the problem, that can work well. We don’t have capitalism, we have state sanctioned business and industries operating criminally, shielded by their new bought friends and appointed winners in a fixed and sick capitalist in name only system. A kleptocracy, run by plutocrats and their accomplices.

Here is the part that may be hard to swallow, but swallow hard my friend. Those same 1.200 families and their accomplices are laughing at YOU!

THIER Gilded asses are crapping sitting on golden toilets, calling you a sucker and a stooge while they fill their fat faces and swollen bellies and have all the finest or everything you could ever imagine. They despise the lower classes as evil animal owners do their stock.

Your anger at my post is what they want from you. Marxist, hardly. Level Field Capitalism, Ani-Trust, Pro Small Business, check and yes. My brother or sister. Love one another as I have loved you….. Jesus Christ.

Now, can you define Marxist please?

Who are you?



Scott Robert
Scott Robert

Written by Scott Robert

Disciple, Guardian of Democracy, Capitalist, Social Justice Warrior, Seeker of Truth and Advocate for the Oppressed.

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