Yes, Great Point and I understand the targeting of black, brown and young people for voter suppression is real and ongoing. That should be addresses in HR1 or S1 and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Abuses or Bias would need to be guarded against in any type of political literacy test for elected officials. However, it's vital that any elected official be required to subscribe to Support, Protect and Defend the Constitution. Democracy requires understanding of the system you swear to uphold, the “Aspirations not the status quo of our sacred documents” They must understand real factual American and world history, including the roots and consequences of slavery from 1619 to present day, all government sanctioned oppression of anyone of any race, ethnicity, economic disadvantage, etc. The fight against tyrants and the real truth of WW1 and WW2 (including the Jewish Holocaust and Armenian Genocide), etc., etc. We need people who truly understand the who, what, when, where and how of unfiltered history to avoid repeating the sins of the past. Nut jobs with Ignorance of democracy and the American Ideals of the constitution must not be allowed to hold public office. We need sane, public servants.
Immigrants seeking to receive citizenship are required to take a Citizenship Test. In fact most "new" American citizens, have better knowledge of our constitution than the average American adult. Today only 1/3 of the adults in the nation can even name the 3 branches of government. I don’t want anyone with a little money and a lot of ignorance or seditious intent to hold any office of honor in government. How about the present standard citizenship test immigrants take to become citizens? Even that little change would eliminate MTG and the rest of the ignorant right who have taken over the Republican Party. That would be a pleasant start and we could refine from there. The intent is to keep anyone of any race, ethnicity, etc. from holding public office, if they do not understand our system of government or the constitution. We still live under today and that “light at the end of the tunnel” could be gone tomorrow without some type of minimal requirement other than money and lies to become an elected official. What do you suggest?