Wow, you make an excellent point. Full
Disclosure, I have no social media accounts and never have. I simply refuse to sell my privacy for an app of any type. However, I fully understand your point. You need to be in the fight to win!! But I think everyone backing out of Twitter is a great idea. Let Elon the master of nothing go broke. You see his ability to raise $44 BB dollars is directly tied to security in his space x and Tesla stock value. It’s been gong down and the coming recession should bring both stocks much lower. This will force margin or liquify calls. Tesla/space x board and stockholder will become very nervous. Elon is know to be very erratic, his mental state is questionable. Every effort to kill off his business interests is a win for all Americans. It’s time we stop participating in social media and take a step back. Boycott social media for 1 year. See him start to go nuts. Let the crazies drown in their right wing echo chamber! It’s better than participating in the evil empire. Every click, view or any activity lets Elon pimp your data, privacy and life. Are we so unconcerned with privacy and personal agency we are willingly give it away for a free infotainment platform full of lies and detrimental to so many’s mental health. I may have gotten off topic and I do agree intellectually in some ways. I simply feel abandonment by the masses will result in a much better outcome than to keep feeding Elon your data that he sell to the highest bidder. It’s also a Saudi platform now. Those murderous traitor fucks would not exist except for the USA defending them and giving them most favored trade status. Elon and Saudis are traitors to American as are most of the thousand or so families of billionaires. They will take you for a ride to the trash heap if given the chance. They don’t deserve to be allowed to do business in America. Send them off to Russia and see how their profits do.