Wow, quite an article. I Definitely need to do more research. As a proud America, I am very familiar with some our societies ills and the mass delusion they can enable. Looking at the Russian invasion and remembering Chechnya and Georgia. In addition to the fake propaganda that helped Trump get elected. I can’t have any empathy for Putin and his cronies. We saved Russias ass when the wall fell and they were in need of aide. They bit the hand that fed them and launders their dirty money. The west was delusional and greedy accepting oligarchs and their stolen state assets from the people. trump and his grubby little hands used dirty money laundered through the largest German bank as no US based bank would deal with a Casino owner that went broke (how does that happen). I digress, good research points. However, you indelicate a small number of the Ukrainian army has fascist tendencies. That need to be stomped out internally by the Ukrainians. In the US there is much fascist sympathy, in the police, evangelicals, military. Some estimates put extreme right tendencies at about 20% of our own military. I can only say that the military in the US are young by and large. Recruits are 18-20 generally. Too young and uneducated to actually understand western civilization since WW2. I despise fascists and communists as a governing principal. Yes a few thousand neo-Nazi troops is worrying, the lack of credible news sources maddening but 2,500 of the 400,000 Ukrainian forces worry me less than a Russia reconstituting the empire of the USSR worries me much more!