Scott Robert
3 min readMar 12, 2024


Excellent article!!!!!!!!

Wow, my thoughts exactly and it’s not real popular in the Catholic, “evangelical” or “fundamentalist” movements. Although the Catholics hide the truth “they know” in plain sight.

Reading some of the extra books in the Catholic Bible, historical documents of the time and the lost books of the Bible can be informative and confusing. This is alright and will lead to questions about the validity of all of the above christian sects messages.

GOD, The One True Source and Center, The I AM, yahweh (Hebrew), etc, gave you a brain and logic. Questioning of spiritual matters of faith are not sin, they are vital for illuminated understanding. Beware of the slight of hand, ignorance of truth and misdirection of the human messengers. State religious hybridization, fanatics, Grifters for cash, Flags, war planes, politics from the pulpit, hate, nationalism, division, dehumanization, propaganda and scapegoating are tools of Evil Theocrats and Fascists. DO WE REALLY WANT AN AMERICAN TALIBAN? I say NO!

Seek GOD, Ask him to reveal himself to you personally. “Go into your room alone and pray, your father in heaven will hear you….”He may not answer you, on your timeline, but God hears you and knows your heart. Prepare to hear the Spirit with wisdom, knowledge and understand. If the answer is anything but LOVE. It’s you, not GOD. Don’t be delusional!

“91:8.11 (1002.3) God answers man’s prayer by giving him an increased revelation of truth, an enhanced appreciation of beauty, and an augmented concept of goodness. Prayer is a subjective gesture, but it contacts with mighty objective realities on the spiritual levels of human experience; it is a meaningful reach by the human for superhuman values. It is the most potent spiritual-growth stimulus”(THB)

Our bothers and sisters inside these Santa Clause/prosperity gospel churches are being deceived and grifted. As the PT Barnum of all religions once said “if you want to be rich, start a Church”. In our society, money is power. Don’t feed the misinformation machine with your money!

Love, Pray and preach to our confused, lost fellow humans. May they gain wisdom, knowledge and understanding with Gods eternal LOVE! Just as Jesus came not for the righteous but for sinners and the lost.

Anyway you cut it, those movements mentioned above are at best cults and more likely idolatry. Worshiping the “blood of Jesus” as our blessing is far from the target Jesus set. Christianity is about the example of Jesus life and the Religion of Jesus, not his blood. His religion was the true Gospel. The fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.

Blood sacrifice is Pagan doctrine certainly in the realm of the Roman god Mithras. Which was well know in the Levant at the time. A little Jesus, 2+ years in the Bible, mixed with the same origins story as many previous and then present false gods of Roman’s in all areas of domain at the time. Add in a very charismatic Paul who did his human best not to rock the boat of the religions of the realm at that time (he was a upper class Jewish Man of religious fanaticism before his conversion). He simply added the message of Christ as he understood it as a MAN. He pointed the largely illiterate and uneducated people towards the One True God/Trinity. Thus the New Testament in over 100 translations as scribed by humans was born. Not perfectly and not fully. Humans spiritual, cultural and intellectual progress of civilizations are best changed and evolved slowly. Beak neck speed change never works out well for the humans of earth. God know we worship him imperfectly. We are human, not celestial.

If anyone is interested in the full life of Jesus, from his Heavenly bestowal until his death I recommend “The Urantia Book” Part 4, the life of Jesus. If you read the entire work, the life of Jesus will be a good base of knowledge to understand the very intellectual and spiritual epoch described in it.

Many blessing and much grace to you. May the father, lord, spirit spread your worlds far and wide. A new awaking is upon us 🙂. Thank you!

Look up Medium Author, Chad Gates if your at all interested in The Urantia Book. He has some great resource articles.

Christian’s beware, this material will absolutely change your perspective and bring you closer to, for lack of a better world, The “I AM”, if you give it a chance. It will ENHANCE your understanding. Reading a book is not a sin. God gave you intellect, the spirit and many other gifts. He encourages you to use them.



Scott Robert
Scott Robert

Written by Scott Robert

Disciple, Guardian of Democracy, Capitalist, Social Justice Warrior, Seeker of Truth and Advocate for the Oppressed.

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