Wow, I often wonder how many teachers are leaving and they are the good ones. Between right wing school boards burning books and parents spitting and coughing on attendees at board meetings. Add on crumbling school infrastructure, hollowed out by the charter school vampires sucking the life blood out of public eduction like the parasites they seem to be. It takes decades to make a middle class income in most public school districts. Of course in a broken system there in more then enough to blame to go around. But the willful encouragement, no celebration of ignorance and the tendency to violently strike out at the truth or even anything that diverges from their special kind of delusion is heartbreaking. These are the lost of America, with time and decades of work we can get them, their children and their grandchild all speaking in intelligent, impassioned, articulate defense of the majorities wishes and what’s good for all. It’s time for public eduction 2.0. It can be on par with the best systems in the world or even greater. We once had an educational system that was the envy of the world. Our priorities as usual have been fucked up. We need the educators of yesterday today and tomorrow to come up with goals, plans and budgets to teach our children to actually be the leaders of tomorrow. To question all things and especially the world they live in. We need adults of good will in every social strata to champion schools for the public to be as well resourced, accommodating, challenging and respected as Phillips Exeter, Tabor or other elite prep schools. Our kids can take a few harsh truths about the world today. How it was yesterday and what has really been the result of social changes. Many good, some very very bad. Kids don’t need to be swaddled in feel good lies and half truths. Making them ignorant of empirical truth relegates then to ignorance and poverty. Our kids of taught well can be powerful savers of humanity (it’s the job we are leaving their generation). Let’s educate them to be up to the task! You can’t make a kid gay by saying there are gay people, always have been always will be. But you can make a child a killer, racist, sexist, sociopathic with little cost and much less time. Think long game, play to win everyday! Totally screwed up priorities and an ignorant, self absorbed populous. We can and must change. Great read inspired me to think about this truly horrifying trend. Thank you for the