Wow, I have never heard of their book before. I just download and read a few pages in paper 1, then a few pages of the Lucifer rebellion. My first opinion is that this books goes way beyond the cursory explanations of the Bible. It’s quite the Christian real Jesus and talks about the myriad of worlds and being as in Ephesians 6:12. I can already see that this is not a bash of Christianity, it expands and expands. The message is the same as Jesus. God is love, love one another as I have loved you. I’ll be deep diving into this like I did my very first Bible. Evangelicals will loose their mind as and lob all kinds of suspicion on it, before reading. I would suggest our Christian brothers and sister to open their minds to the Spirit and test the spirits. You may be surprised how many answers can be learned. I’ll be glad to give a review once I have had time to digest the full book. A sincere thank you 🙏 from one who has been seeking and knocking. May the One True God bless you and hold you and guide your hand!!