Wow, bro and broette culture at its finest. Now we want to take away contraception, Plan B and abortion as options, for our All American couple. Instead we perpetuate a system with laws that increase overall child neglect and worse.
We know our present process has failed. It leads to forced births of unwanted children and makes legal custodians of those not qualified to raise animals. Subjecting child abuse on the spawn of these boneheads.
How about real reproductive health education, easy and free contraception, getting out of woman’s reproduction decisions and mandatory parenting classes for all parties responsible for a pregnancy.
For parents and guardians who neglect or endanger children. In addition to harsh immediately felt penalties and mandatory education to start. The final victory for society will be if these people are prevented from reproducing ever again. How about mandatory sterilization and castration? We can start with the articles couple, Parents of the Year. Sickening and Amazing.
We know how this story ends. Parents missing in action, kids who end up in jail, child welfare system or worse. Maybe sent to live with a person known to the family, again I’ll equipped to raise live humans. Plausibly putting the child in a place they can be sexually or abused in another way.
Let’s forget about embryos and eggs and take care of living children. I’ll end here before I get too worked up 🙂.