Way to give the unvarnished hard truth. Many here don’t like your writing because it hits hard and makes them uncomfortable. We need tough love here and all over the world. We are consuming cheap Chinese crap products as a salve to our miserable lives. Think of anyone you know constantly at Costco, Walmart, Target, Amazon. Do they seem happier to buy garbage and throw it away because your can’t even wash or use it too often and it disintegrates. THIER kids are constantly in cheap synthetic clothing they is in and out of style in a month and the cloths are not even good enough for the Goodwill. They are selfish, miserable morons and their therapy of mass consumerism is killin us all. I look forward to the 2 times per year shopping trips for nice quality items. Hell, I have shoes older than millennials and they are in perfect shape. Sure the shoes cost several hindered dollars but you can buy a pair of Nike for that now. We need to get a grip and find more beneficial not superficial, selfish and self aggrandizing pastimes. FUCKING STOP SHOPPING. Just stop except for food and real needs. .