Tom, excellent article, well written and researched. As a rational human being with very progressive ideas, I am very proud of our flag, our founding documents and our national creed. That's MY FLAG representing MY CONSTITUTION. I plan to claim what is mine, while pointing out the hypocrisy of treasonous insurrectionists flying My Flag. Yes, we are all Americans and the need to come together is urgent. Our society is truly polarized with 30-40% acting as if they are sniffing glue and mainlining Fox all day. The flag should be a rallying symbol of the democratic experiment. It should remind us all we are one people. That our national power comes from our diversity and fortitude. Our Flag is one of the most recognized symbols throughout the world. Creating fear in our enemies, hope to the oppressed and joy at home for the national creed it stands for. I plan to start flying my flag continuously (lit at night) it usually only comes out on the 4th, Memorial Day and Veterans Day. I will fly MY FLAG continuously, along with another that will leave no doubt as to where I stand. The brazen and crazy right wing has no claim on MY FLAG. They are in active insurrection against the United States. How and why they claim the flag is truly bat s--t crazy, they should make their own flag (Maybe the Q will Do). I am looking for a 20 foot flag pole too :-)