This is the simple answer as to why the democrats have been unable to legislate. For any party to govern not just rule, they need a super majority at this time in history. Yes red state democrats have much to worry about. However the blame can’t be shouldered by Biden, he had put deals on the table and Nancy and Chuck do not have enough votes to actually legislate. So the president can only govern by executive order. Please stop saying Biden is the problem, you are airing a false statement and it simply empower the crazy right wing to use our own criticisms of the administration against the only party that actually writes bills and wants to govern for the people. No Biden is not a miracle worker, he need votes in the house and senate. Without legislative power, no party will govern and the slow decent into a dictatorship will continue. Let’s peruse a long term strategy. Government does not move fast and is even slower without super majorities. Finally, I am in no way saying the democrats are perfect or don’t have problems, they do. We are focusing our miserable state of affairs on President Biden and he does not deserve this particular critique!