These people are not Christians in any spiritual way. They are cultural Christian’s. More like the scribes and the Pharisees of Jesus day! Christianity as the apostles followed, practiced and Jesus preached. After the Roman’s Made Christianity the religion of the realm. They proceeded to remake Jesus into the image of a Roman God. Similar story, wrong guy. The pagan religions were merged into Christianity and its prime representative of the New Testament was writing actually does attest to Christ as savior. However, Paul and the apostles who walked with Jesus never gave him their seal of approval. However the many councils and other man made edits to the holy books seem to rest squarely on Paul. A man who never met Jesus in life, did not walk with him and also was mass murderer of Christians Paul himself besides best intentions speaks of the angel of satan who tormented him and his refused to remove. This is where we need to be carful and not take every word m Paul says as godly inspired. Some may be misleading Christina away from Christ and into the pagan worship of the Roman’s. is when it comes to Jesus’s ministry. Pauls conversion is not for me to judge. It’s interesting that most of the New Testament is attributed to Paul. A Roman a cultural Jew and someone more in line with the authorities who’s religious head needed to be less Jewish and more Roman. why are the books attributed to other apostles also believed to be penned by Paul or one of his team of proselytizers to the gentiles. I digress, most of todays make believe Christin’s are just white people who because they are white believe they are Christian. It’s madness and that’s alright because madness is their sickness. That and a prosperity gospel of grifters and Christian nationalists intent on Gods Bible governing America “the America. Taliban” . They have made a devils alliance with and political Autocrats and corporatists and Plutocrats. To rule and amass power for powers sake. The grift is the reward. Great article and I agree on most points. Your case is well stated and truly funny. Or would be funny if the stakes were not so high, the country itself!