The police are part of the white supremest agenda. At least 20% of officers are at least aligned with these groups at at the worst active members. The police are a major part of the problem. Police unions are complicit and believe their own propaganda. Policing on 98% of all communities is a very safe job. They are lying when they say it’s dangerous. Police are the largest street gang! More electricians die each year from work incidents than police. More cops die on duty from heart attacks than shooters. These are the facts!!! Police are not warriors and have no need of military equipment. The federal government needs to stop transferring military equipment to police forces. Also, police or agencies seizing assets should not benefit from those asset seizures. Make it against the law for police agencies to keep the seized assets or cash. Presently that is exactly what happens to seized assets. The seizing agency is allowed to keep then and profit by then. A duplicitous system. Corrupt and criminal by anyone else. Thieves, liars, cowards. The state of policing in America.
To those active duty police today. Your probably mad as hell. However, your feelings didn’t make you innocent. But I don’t do that you say. It matters not, you collect a pay check from a corrupt system. Your part of the problem not a solution. Unless you are the one calling out corruption, dropping a dime on your corrupt co-workers or gone to internal affairs and give undercover to out your corrupt co-workers. Then your guilty of propagating a corrupt system. Had a fancy coffee today from a seized asset or bought by the department with seized money? Again your part of the problem. Well maybe we have a few bad apples you say, it’s not all cops. Wrong, unless you are throwing out the bad apples they spoil the entire batch. If you tolerate ANY abuse of power, corruption, setups, cover up bad shootings, report racism, report disdain for the policed, report extorting hookers for sex, stealing drugs from dealers, etc. you know these things go on daily. How about the compete asshole cops who lie in interrogations to bully a confession out of innocent brown and black people, you even do that to white people. Lying during an interrogation should be considered entrapment. Speaking of entrapment, cops do this all the time. Let’s face it, unless going after a white person with an expensive lawyer cops break the law, entrap and manufacture evidence all the time. That’s why people don’t trust or respect cops. I have knowledge of a DEA agent who was at several of not many times even as a local cop. He used to brag about planting evidence. Of course he justified it with his own screwed up morality. This is all true about police! It’s not delusion and the cops who read this know it’s true!!