The mentor part is the hardest. Prayer, meditation are the only ways to the real Christ who walked the earth and is the Son of God. Mentors, tend to end up being pastors of the evangelical (a non christian, Sect who hijacked Yeshua) or priestly class of Rome. Do these people really need to interpret anything? No, you can interpret through prayerful study, manuscripts, the letters from Pilate and Herod about the crucifixion and returned, attest to the factual Christ. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. Pray, confess your sins and repent (change). Faith is not the feel good vibrations you feel from the concert at church, and the mass hysteria of the event. Faith is hard! It requires work to begin to understand the God of all creation. It may be slow. It requires studying more than todays various translations of the Bible. It requires a bit of historical understanding and nuance. The old books, The Book of Enoch, Dead Sea scrolls and original Hebrew Torah. Do your work. Pray, ask God for wisdom! People may lead you astray, choose mentors wisely or they can deceive you as the serpent with Eve.