Scott Robert
3 min readFeb 7, 2022


That will never happen. Our sons, daughters, grandchildren and elderly will all pay the price for the unabashed greed of their parents and children. Parents who have ignored the climate criss. Ignored warning in the 1070’s in-grade school and ignored or straight up lied. To further their own economic agenda. In the 70’s they said we had 100 years, the 90,s 50
Years. Now we have 7 years. Well bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Look at your kids and grandkid’s and beg them for forgives that you and your generation knowingly and purposefully ruined the world environment, engineered the financial system against the citizens and the Fed as a welfare agency for stock and bond market speculators . You have been complicit and accomplices or actively planned genocide, used corruption to mask as capitalism, fomented civil wars, murdered popularly elected leaders (especially those who were the most invested in building their country) oppressed the weak and supported violent and Evil dictators; all to make a buck. Rex Tillerson, received the highest Russian Award from Putin, before becoming a traitorous Secretary of State. He lied to advance Exxon and oil companies agenda (drilling the Arctic for Russian). The others in corp America, lied and did not show any courage to protect others in the face of advancement, illicit promotions, secret deals, lying to Congress and regulators and any type of evil actions that in the end will probably fast track Homo Saipan Saipan to extinction. Or they will live in a scorched earth, most likely after a nuclear war has tuned the seas into salt/glass wastelands and no fresh water. The wealthy are buying all the water rights. Meanwhile the main polluters who get handed billions in free taxpayer money will keep frackign your land and polluting your aquifers. Your water tainted will be toxic. Fresh water will already be privately owned as will all be other life sustaining resources has already been completed, world wide. So when you sit back and look at your bank balance. Don’t lie to yourself yet again. Admit your company pollutes, is a supporter of insurrectionists, has over the last 70’years, has forced emerging economies to take debt from the the work bank. Banckrupted the 3rd world and forced the privatization (selling off) of their national assets/resources. Master of the universe, hardly. Accomplice or complicit with raping the world and her people, so your family can have the American Dream (is not what it uses to be). Live in a Mc Mansion, drive gas guzzling super sized SIV’s and go to Walmart and buy cheap shot to make you feel good about being an economic hit man. Now go fix some shit. Repent and receive forgiveness. Repent does not mean empty, just in case, lip service. Repent means SIN NO MORE, IT MEANS CHANGE TIUR EVIL WAYS. IT MEANS TO ACTIVELY WORK TO Undermine your traitorous company. Be a milestone around their necks. Drown those companies in their bath tubs. USE THEIR TRICKS AGAINST THEM. Collect a check to lay the seeds of destruction. THE SAME DEVILS YOU USED TO COLLIDE AND NSPIRE WITH. Use the evil you already know well. TO DESTROY EVIL, IT MEANS ONCE YOU HAVE DECDED TO REPENT AND SAVE YIUR SOUL, YOUR ACTIONS WILL SHOW YOUR REPENTANCE and INTENT!



Scott Robert
Scott Robert

Written by Scott Robert

Disciple, Guardian of Democracy, Capitalist, Social Justice Warrior, Seeker of Truth and Advocate for the Oppressed.

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