Thank you for the response.
I purposefully excluded Protestantism as a whole and it’s many denominations because on my lack of experience in those churches.
I focused on the “evangelical fundamentalist variety” and Catholics who hold the 2 millennium title as the claimed “first church” which is actually an lie as well. The brother of Jesus, James and the Jerusalem disciples administered the first church. Then came Paul, boo!
Schism, Luther, the split between Eastern or orthodox Catholicism and the wholesale takeover of the “Christian” church by Rome.
The introduction of Protestant thought and government Mandate of the worship through “ church” of England all lend credence to my thesis.
However, sure there are great Christian’s in all of the halls of deception and many of those leave the “church” to worship their one true God, our lord and savior Jesus. Not his blood sacrifice which is simply pagan Mithraism in any denomination of the Christian church.
And the misled always have the chance to practice the Religion of Jesus, not the religion of Jesus and his attaining blood. God will never turn his back on a true God Seeker.
How does a human blood sacrifice of your “only begotten son, with who I am well pleased” truly guarantee our salvation? I know transference of sin. Or why do we pretend to eat his body. I know holy transmutation of his flesh and blood. Sounds like cannibalism to me and not a single cell in my body, nor my spirit tells me this is what Jesus intended to covey to us mortals. Again my opinion.
The pastors are ignorant or purposely misleading THIER flocks.
Pastors are working from a bunch of separate text thousands of years old, put together in a Bible by a corrupt, murderous and ultimately powerful clergy ELITE. translated from, Greek and Aramaic plus Hebrew which was already bastardized by rules created by the scribes and Pharisees Jesus spoke out against and who MURDERED him.
Now translated into more than a hundred English translations, All the INERRANT WORD OF GOD. Did God go mute after 2,000 years. I think not, but it’s a free country, at least today 🙂. Thanks again for the reply!