Simply excellent and sage advice. “But for the grace of God go I”. A commons reframe of mothers in the 50,60, 70’s. We thought our children those ideals passed down from generation to generation. The last 40 years has been. I have something and your kind can’t have it. As Bruce Hornsby so eloquently put it in “the way it is” or Tupac’s Changes. Give up something for others, forget your new American Creed, shop til you drop. Cheap Chinese products please. This shit is ruining American youth and the entire world. We have plenty of gunpowder (money). It’s held hostage by the super rich who you will never become. They keep it for themselves and their corrupt minions. Face yourself in the mirror, instead of false affirmations that are an ABOMINATION to god. And actually do good deeds daily. No once is not enough, do this daily. I guarantee it will make your day and provide more opportunities than your selfish prayer and sub standard worship of the father and creator of all. Here anther fact. The devil didn’t make you do it, the devil is in spiritual Jail and can not harm or influence who you are. Only your decisions make you good or evil. Sin is a simple failure (what is actual Sin is for another time) you are not fallen from the seed of Eve and the Devil, Lucifer or Satan can not possess or make your decisions for you. Stop gaslighting yourself into thinking a evil fallen world, is the matter of the devil. It is a matter of our collective decisions. See Kindness to strangers is what the parable of the “Good Samaritan” act as a Good Samaritan, it won’t always work out the way you wish. Anther old mothers words of wisdom “No good deed goes unpunished” and she would finish with what you lend or give to men is a loan to God! So keep doing good, even if your immediate results are dubious. the universe is a feedback loop with each individual action affecting all others, like ripples in the ocean. Keep the faith!