Simply a good argument against home schooling. Or the ignorant teaching the small, impressionable and gullible. If you didn’t attend a “real school” thought by credentialed teachers, todays government should ban you. Back in 1776, schools taught reading, writing and arithmetic. Not religion, that’s was for Sunday’s sermon. Disqualify these ignorant malcontents. Any religious based political doctrine needs to be declared unconstitutional! And their adherents disqualified. Also a basic civics test needs to be passed to run for office. The majority of the lunatics trying to take over the country’s can’t even name our 3 branches of government. If you can’t do that, you can’t teach children and can’t run for office. Go back to the shed and huff the rest of the glue bottle. Fuckin A, can’t we simply deport these anti American traitors to the constitution. These is a island off near Fiji we used for nuclear testing. That’s a good spot for them.