Ohh so sad, not just history but pre-history repeating itself. First the dark ages return. Then amongst the species destined for extinction are Homo sapiens. Growing up in middle class America, they warned school children of climate change back in the 1970’s. We even managed to reduce the damage to our ozone layer for a few decades. Then the 80’s glorification of capitalism unrestrained, 9/11 2001, 2008, 2010 citizens United, 2017- 2021 baboon rebellion. We have soiled our souls, we have consumed ourselves right into this crisis. We were warned, have cannibalized our world and now walk zombie like into the light. It’s not heaven, it’s soul obliteration. “What you sow so shall you reap”. It’s happed before, it seems destined to happen again! If you believe in God, believe that his creation is a masterpiece in including our unique planet of life everywhere (no matter how hard we look, nothing in space looks like earth). Might he take umbrage at our lack of responsible stewardship? Great article!! I don’t want to live on Mars, that’s a silly and ridiculous plan B. And only the most wealthy will be invited along with the servant class. You will see. I hope we change your our habits. It’s unlikely as consumption of simple throw away “fast fashion” is quickening at an alarming pace. It alone can destroy the earth within the next 15 -20 horrible suffering years. I hope I am wrong!!!!