Norms are exactly that, the behavior and deference to what we expect a president to act like. Trump relished in throwing out the NORMS, he is not entitled any treatment of a person who occupied the office of president who does. Deterrence is what we need to illustrate to others who may be far more adept at overthrowing the government and who could succeed. Our most pressing issue is what happens not when but if we have a Republican president in the future. Crimes as pathological as trumps need to be punished so harshly, so world shattering that a president or other official we trust with stewardship of our republic dare not cross some very specific lines. Trump and his cronies are an international business, government, religious criminal organization. RICO CHARGES CIMINALLY AND CIVVILT NEED TI BE APPLIED. It was good for the Mafia and ordinary citizens with limited or no power. Seize all of their assets, before trial (Rico seizure is done everyday in America to very minor white collar criminals and ordinary average Joes), LOCK THEM UP, no bail, they are flight and security risks, put the full force of the criminal Justice system against then. Rudy Giuliani used RICO and was a serial overcharger as a prosecutor. Let him feel the force he so enthusiastically deployed!!