Let’s leave the bedroom door closed. These perverts are always worried about what 2 or more consenting adults do in their own bedrooms. Why? It’s not even a thing to consider when meeting someone. I can’t imagine a rational, regular every day Joe or Josephine that crossing their minds. How obsessed with sex are these people and why? It’s not biblical at all. Who cares? Do they wish to join in? Probably? Would they be invited to any sex with anyone? Probably not. It reminds me of the so called Incel’s . Yes, they are unfuckable but it’s your attitude Stupid!!!! You don’t need to be Prince Charming or super ripped, super good looking or any of those shallow outward attributes. Sure, in a Club or other meat market. You will be judged by the wrapper. Just like at the meat counter in a grocery store. I have never heard a customer ask the butcher to cut the meat in half so they can see it. Don’t expect any less shallow treatment in a venue designed to highlight the most desirable looking. Hey a piece of liver may look good in the package and possibly even healthy. It’s not my taste when cooked. The same lesson applies in life and interpersonal relationships. Smarten up and get off the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram dopamine drip.