Ken, your are plain incorrect. Trump the Putin Chump, failed and corrupted his oath of office, his entire family are awash in dirty Russian money that is derived from criminal enterprises. Human trafficking, drugs, murder, hacking and other crimes any of us would be thrown UNDER THE JAIL for, or if the authoritarian has their way US citizens opposed to their shadow rule would be sent to Gitmo. Not sure how any sentient being could defend a Man who committed genocide on US citizens by ignoring a 100 year pandemic. Also enriching family and friends to retain power and corrupt our constitution. Finally invited an insurrection against the peaceful transfer of power. I say RICO them all and seize their power by seizing their assets (every single nickel). Again, your WRONG. Are you by chance an evangelical Christian? That might be your defining ignorance of the subject matter. Please feel free to contact me at or her on my profile of comments. A hearty debate is what makes America already great!!!!! May the lord bless you and keep you, may he shine his countenance I ping you and enable wisdom, knowledge understanding and love in your life!!!