It’s been a long time since I last heard about Lilith. I don’t remember the manuscripts or context m, but I am very interested in reading the passages. Where can I easily find this story? Old hebrew manuscripts? Thank you for the reminder and putting the story into the conversation and context. After much research, I have been reading and searching for reliable translations of the Apocrypha books. Never mind a reliable translation linked to original Hebrew manuscripts of the old and new testaments. Good article, thought provoking!! Sonce the bible we all seem to be using is a highly edited version of the King James Bible (who actually speaks old English) morphed from old Jewish cannon of the first 5 books of the OT, to backup material for a version of the Bible that preaches a different gospel than during the days of Jesus, the scribes and Pharisees. In addition, where does the true story begin and end. No one knows. Add the various catholic councils and editing parties. To standardize the Bible (before the KJV prior to and after 1650 edits). The king wanted a new wife, I think the prior wife’s sister or cousin. Some type of union the Pope would not legitimize. The bible is not infallable, the gosbels in the NT seem to be all written by Paul. Not an apostle called by Jesus ans did and he was not in agreement the gospel as preached by Peter, James, John and the super or and the Jesus Apostles who were ministered by him and waked with him.