In my humble understanding this is incorrect in part or misunderstanding. Jesus and the apostles did not teach the blood of Jesus was a sarifoce for your sins and if you simply believe that your saved. That’s bunk and bad doctrine. Yes, Jesus said the way to the father was through belief in him as the son of God and Promised Messiah as evidenced by his fulfillment or prophecy. But along with that gift he reminded us of the oft quoted idea of “to who much who is given much is required”. Jesus and the apostles preached confession of sins, and TRUE repentance (stop practicing that sin) follow The Ten Commandants as explained through his sermons. And then you are saved or marked by God as his. The rub here with his murderers was that he claimed the authority to change the entire way Jews were “obeying the law” who were still committing blood sacrifice for atonement (like all the false Gods of the peoples in the area they defeated to occupy the promised land). Blood sacrifices were removed as a part of Jewish law by God himself BEFORE Israel crossed into the promised land. Along with the fact that the Scribes and Pharisees had bastardized the true Jewish worship given as Ten simple commandnamts into many many, onerous, oppressive or elitist laws of worship of the one true God, written by men. The same men who profited from the blood sacrifices and the selling of the livestock and offerings of the day of Jesus. Jesus annulled the man made rules, claimed authority from his father the one true God and FREE redemption. Simply confess your sins and repent (repentance not in speech but in a compete change of behavior), that Grace from God will encourage you to do good works as the spirit instructs. They attest to the world your faith and the promise of redemption into his kingdom of heaven this formula gives FREELY. Your life should be ruled by love thy neighbor as your self. Defend and serve the oppressed and “the least of these”, spread the good news of the gospel by example not coercion or annoyance. This testifies of Gods righteousnesses thru your behavior. The change, is your faith and the Grace of God illustrated to man. Give the full credit to God, not self. Do not theses things to earn the accolades of man. Give and be philanthropic privately, if you receive praise by men for your good works in this world, it is all the reward you will get. Reward will not be given in heaven. Good article. I may not agree with the doctrine in full. But discussion of these things amongst Christian’s and non believers alike, is not a sin against God. God created our brains and the ability to discuss and reason. 2022 years after Christ. The Christian religion has undergone many changes. Many ancient texts, removed my men long ago from Cannon and the Roman takeover of Christianity as the political religion of the realm have changed the true gospel and have bastardized the real message of Christ. No we simply want to send in our check to Joel Olsteen and are certain we will receive checks from heaven. Prosperity Gospel is another tool of the devil. Give quietly and directly to the poor, expecting nothing in return. His will accrue or as a loan to him? After all doesn’t everything belong to God!