I simply try to avoid police at all costs. I haven’t been stopped in ages but if I do, I will keep my hands on the steering wheel, use my phone app to notify a trusted few of the stop and gps location. But I am not black or brown, a hint Mediterranean. My risks are less.
I judge all cops against the cops from my middle class east coast upbringing. We had a little crew of neighborhood kids that all grew up close to each other. We were minor delinquents, skipping school, causing trouble, chasing girls and partying. The 4O or so cops in the town police department knew us all by name and we knew them. They would break up parties and confiscate the beer, 3-4 wound swing by the park or a house if someone’s parents were out of town on weekends, scatter the kids and requisition the beer for themselves. That was the only cost of the underage drinking. Point is, never did the town police look to throw you in jail and there was no extrajudicial killing. Reason, we were just board kinds. They also all lived in town and their kids were our friends or schoolmates. That single factor made the town and kids safe from the police and assured any cop that got too medieval did not last one that force. Only once was cop was ever kicked off and very quickly. We did not fear the police and they certainly did not fear us. Now on the occasion when something more serious happened then the consequences could be go to court and be put probation. No prison, no cramming a broom up your ass, or choking you out in confidence in broad daylight. The cops Jew what their job was. Let kids grow up, keep the peace, give warning and protect reg e townsfolk from harm. That cops i respect. Nothing less!! Thank you for the thoughtful comment!!