I had the opportunity to escort a friend to an woman’s health clinic to have an abortion. Just so we are clear. There is no such thing as an abortion only clinic. All of the Planned Parenthood and other clinics, doctors who perform abortion also help educate on contraception (the nearly 100% perfect, anti-abortion method) annual screening for cancer and other services to mostly uninsured or low income woman. They also do STD testing, hormones, etc. that said, God is always present in all of us. How we interpret or misinterpret biblical text is entirely man made religion. Stay out of woman’s uteruses! God is present in the pregnant woman, the decision between her and her God. The “pro birth” platoon should take the word of Jesus to heart. Love your enemies (that’s how you treat woman at their most vulnerable, as enemies) or love your neighbor as yourself (walk in the pregnant woman’s shoes) minister to her in love not biblical condemnation. Your condemnation means nothing and God and Jesus cry/cringe at your misrepresentation of his love and ministry. Jesus would not be caught dead (bad analogy) at an abortion clinic protest. Leave these woman alone and with the spirit! No one roots for abortion. We do however have compassion on the woman. She needs love, counseling if she would like, support. A lot of woman mourn their lost fetus. In fact some mourn for many months. They don’t abort a fetus for fun and games. They do it for practical and self preservation. How do you feed, cloth, educate, raise well, etc a child when you can’t provide these things for themselves. Abortion is a decision of personal liberty and privacy. In Gods vocabulary “free will”. Nothing should come between a woman and her God nor a woman and her constitution regardless of what the sleeper agents of the Supreme Court say. 3 of the nine are illegitimate, 5 of the 9 are paid corporate shills (look at all the paid speeches they give to the corporatists and fascist leaning groups) . Think about that for a moment. Justices given a lifetime appointment are able to give speeches for money, decide themselves if they should recuse from a case effecting a person, company, group in front of them for a decision; ultimately sealing the fate of 344 MM Americans. It’s a corrupt court, period. Make them Adhere to the Federal Judicial Code of Conduct (they have exempted themselves from their own code of conduct). If your pro life you MUST BE pro post birth service for woman and child. Including the financial support of both child and mother. Unless that’s your position you are NOT PRO-LIFE. You are simply pro-birth. Don’t sugar coat your position. You want to force birth and are against helping the poor and downtrodden. Your making a free will decision to scorn and judge a pregnant woman. I can say with 100% confidence that Jesus is not with you. He is ministering to the woman you harass. I can say from 1st hand experience that anti-abortion protestors are mentally, physically and spiritually abusive. I almost had to knock one of them the fuck out for coming way too close to my fiend. I found out that day how abusive they can be to woman. They are also cowards. Harassing a woman at her most vulnerable is not “The Way” of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born Joshua Ben Joseph; August 7 BC. Yes. Virginia Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus on Dec., 25th. In reality, it’s a pagan holiday for the Roman Sun God Mithras repurposed. An aspirational holiday to be sure. Now more obsessed with mass materialism than Peace on earth, goodwill to men….,,,); men in this context is not gender specific. Praise to God in the highest. His spirit lives in us all, we were created in his image with the life spirit intentionally)!!!!