I had no idea whom this guys was. The little I found out simply made me think he a real dbag and I understand the outrage and even bias. First, it’s the internet and social media. Getting people all ramped up and outraged is the product and dopamine addiction. Second, he is a typical example of toxic bro ideas and alpha male delusion. People hate this guy because he is in fact an asshole and no one what’s these “icons of bro hood” to even exist. There are internet scammers, traffickers, fentanyl dealer and all types of heinous behavior. Any dumbass who espouse the values of greed, corruption and inhuman anti social behavior is in for very rough blowback eventually. You can only be a dickhead for so long, the end comes for them all. Yes, I agree allegation are just that. It’s silly to think he would get the benefit of the doubt in todays society when every allegation lives on forever. It’s the world we live in. Until we change the way our brains have been re-wired by social media. Society will continue to decline. It’s a plague that has infected anyone who uses if. This guys was plainly dirt, it’s absurd to think he would find a audience of grace when he so proudly trolled his perceived enemies for profit.