I disagree. Given that God does not live in the space/time world we do, there is no way to know what timeline God manifests himself into or any at all. Trying to shoehorn Gods actions into the limited understanding of man’s world is a “fools errand” not that genesis apologetics is for fools. It’s simply impossible given the limited text of Genesis for man/woman to know the time of Gods reality. Hundreds of translations, not all can be the inerrant work of God. Only one can or none is. It matters not, the one phrase that emphatically explains the path to salvation of “love one another as I have loved you”!or “ as yourself”. If your honest, this is the hardest thing in the world to do. With the self justification, willful delusion, self love, selfish self love, etc. we all embrace as part of living on this present world. It serves as a check list on how NOT to get into heaven. Reverse all of your actions of self love and preservation. Use the motivations to preserve yourself to preserve the stranger on the street and you understand salvation. I know of no person presently living who could pass this test! I bet your don’t either. Will any of us move on with our souls or are we all destined for soul destruction (yes, it’s a real thing)? Answer, yes BUT. The but is simply the worlds of Jesus and others. Confess your sins to the one true God (almost all religions believe in one true God, they mostly differ on the prophets and ceremony), repent (stop propagating the sin), make any amends as the spirit moves. That’s it, free salvation though grace, confession of sins and repentance. Take your salvation by grace and spread the word, work and blessings!!!