I am sure my liberty will be infringed upon again by Bill Gates and George Soros. Injecting microchips and working with Hillary and her baby blood sucking legion of Pizza Eaters. The mask Ghestapo and public health officials, school boards or anyone highly educated or has expertise in virology are all part of the Evil plan of the Devil. In fact, on Facebook (the news you can’t use), it is emphatically stated masks, vaccines, anti-Viral treatments and good hygiene, that it is the Biden plan, run by Kamila, in cahoots with Hillary and that damn Kenyan Obama. Don’t do that, resist.
Instead JFK Jr. has the cure! It’s to stick you head so far up your ass that you can’t breath for at least 3 minutes. No mask required. But the sphincter secretions all over you head is a type anointing oil designed by JFK Jr., Trump and his crack team of expert radiologists, Animal husbandry practitioners, Tucker Carlson, Judge (loosely speaking) Jeanine Piro and Laura Ingram and let us not forget that genius Sean Hannity. All Highly respected medics professionals acting as journalists of the most pristine credentials. Unfortunately, Ivanka and Rudy are already booked (not quite in jail terms, yet). They decided that before Donald brings out the major purple cool-aide and takes the jet down to Guyana for a “vacation like nobody has seen before, it’s unbelievable” said Trump the Chump!
Well gotta go, I need to call and berate my doctors office for the Sphincter Cure. Yesterday they said it’s a do it yourself kit. You must administer the treatment yourself, if difficult have a friend do it for you. What most of the experts on Fox are saying. If I stick my head up your ass and then you do me. Along with Ivermectin applied to your genitals twice a day for two weeks. You will be completely protected. And not need to worry about anyone but yourself. Also, fascists, corrupt govemebt officials and would be autocrats and evangelicals for Trump are all allied, ready for mobilization and are offering assistance to anyone who has lost all friendships and relatives to “the lame stream media”. Eric will be doing special house calls before the vacation getaway. He feels right at home with his head in his ass and will come over and show you how. Any as selfless as he is he will allow you to stick your head up
His ass. He has the super sphincter of a Trump and everyone is saying it is like holy water from the Vatican. Probably better he was a overheard saying. It’s all in the genetics. Holy water is only water. Eric ass is, Eric’s ass. Think about it. Also for a recurring donation, Donald himself will stock his head up your ass as far as it’s been stuck up Putins for at least 3 min. It also comes with a flag of a giant sphincter embossed with the new slogan. Trump 2024, America stick your head up
My ass again! For an extra $100, you get a commerative coin and a lifetime member of the VIP Trump Sphincter Club. It has no other benefits except to confirm your status as a super mark. Good luck with that Trump exclusive Club. I can honestly say, it will be incredible, like no one has ever seen. People are already talking about it. Those who matter of course.