I am glad you replied. I have not had your experiences so I can not and will not discount your anger or opinions. I do think you have me all wrong. I don’t want to give anyone a pass or even the least bit of possibility to endanger children. I am the father of a gay son, he was emotionally abused for 12 years under his mothers care while we had joint custody and she had physical custody. I paid many $ to send my boy to “private Christian schools” in the belief he would get a good education. He did not and I abhor Christian schools by evangelicals. Once I had physical custody of him at 12, I had many runs in with the schools for ostracizing my son for the way he dressed, etc. because he was still in the so called closet. I knew my son was gay almost since birth. It was not something I was equipped to deal with but we did and by 16 he came out to me and his behavior and outlook on life changed (he had been suicidal). I have been since then his best friend and confidant, he is now in his 30’s in a 10 year committed relationship and has a very successful career. I was also the victim of actual sexual abuse at age 10, true story the guys house burned down within a month (not me). Please take my apology, I would never allow any child in a potential abuse situation. I would not give a potential abuser a pass. However in the story we are commenting on I did not read of any actual physical contact, if I missed that then the comment would have been different. I enjoy your writing and you have given my comments claps on several occasions. As in text, nuance sometimes gets lost on these comments. I know we share more in common than a simple misunderstanding of the meaning of my admittedly limited writing ability obviously imparted to you. All I hope to do in this comment is to let you know where my thoughts come from. I do believe that love over hate is truly the message of Jesus. I and my son have had to forgive his mother in our hearts for her behavior as not to let hate drive us to..,,,, who know. We are both better for it and have simply erased the memory of her or her presence from our lives. May the lord truly bless you and keep you!!