I am assuming the commission is managed by right wingers. They have human beings who work there and make the commission work. In my book they are all complicit. They should all have charges leveled against them personally not only as a commission. The sooner we start holding individuals libel for working for organizations that flout the law, undermine public safety, enable atrocious behavior for their personal financial gain. The sooner those agencies, corporations, organizations and governments offices. The sooner those agencies will see the light. When people are afraid of the consequences of enabling what is objectively wrong actions. We can eliminate the corporate/government shield that allows them to operate for heinous organizations for a paycheck. If you need to choose between holding your nose and working for such scum and jail time it millions in civil liability. They will look for new jobs. When the head of X organization comes to work and no one it there right turn on the lights. Change will happen. We need to use every, legal, nasty and even repulsive legal option for the people as they use against us. They created the game, we must turn the tables using their own weapons agains them. Putting the people of New Orleans at risk of another Katrina or worse should be criminal/civil. Go after those who work there with even quasi frivolous lawsuits will make them all think twice. Hammer them like Scumbag lawyers hammer the little guy all the time!!!!