I agree wholeheartedly. He is a walking bag of felonies and if you took the name “trump” out of the equation. And described all actors as defendant 1, 2 -100. Any jury impaneled and simply given the “public” evidence to them as the prosecutions case. The jury would come back with guilty, guilty, guilty. And it would not take an hour. We need to cripple the man. Take away all his property and assets in an asset seizure case. It happens all day, every day In the US. It could be reasonably asserted that his property and bank accounts were used in crimes. That’s all they need to do to seize your assets, why not Donald and Jr and Eric (is that his name), Melania (inaugural funds she embezzled) . All we need are prosecutors and a DOJ, why the balls to do it! Merrick Garland, does not look scary, he is soft spoken and Is an institutionalist (maybe not the best choice at this time). He is moving extremely slowly but maybe deliberately to make a open and shut case. He did get Timothy McVey and put him to death. That was much less complicated case but give me some hope he will be successful in saving our republic. After trump is hobbled he will still be dangerous like the guys in the criminal psycho wards. Or an injured orangutan at the back of his cage. Next take away his ability to communicate with the public except in court. Hit FB, twitter and the rest as accomplices to sedition. Name individuals, top and middle managnent, boards of directors, stockholders, sales people and middle Managment (they will squawk like chickens on the chopping block). Anyone who’s profited from the insurrection must be charged in a personal capacity and the corporations destroyed. Charge the social media companies fines equals to the entire market value of their stock, float and options as of that day. Enforcement must assure the fine is paid in 45 days. Fine banks that do busiess with these criminal enterprises and seize all f their assets. That’s about right. Poof, facbook gone, Zukerburg ruined. Sucky Zukey will need to serve a long prison term as an active seditious or as one who profited from the attempted overthrow of the government. Then sick the dogs of the FBI, National Security State and the jackals to wrap it all up nice and neat. Some will need the death penalty after a very speedy trial (give them the gentlemen’s option. A gun and a single bullet in the “hole”) after 24 hours that option goes away. The executions should be televised and for 24 hours straight and commentary plus evidence should run while the executions are completed. The crimes theses men and woman are being hanged for, explained, evidence replayed, historians must give ample explanations. Simple 6th grade explanations as to why this is happening in America. They are traitors and here’s the evidence. Would make great content for every channel. There is much more that can be done. This is simply the minimum!! Jail, asset seizure, speedy trials, quick convictions and executions within days of conviction. The rest of the seditionist will all roll over, run away or simply eat a bullet. Then we can begin fresh forming a more perfect union!