Good article although disheartening. Did we not learn anything from WW2? It seems the lesson may have been learned by China. Objectively It could be argued that the Chinese learned to use infrastructure, monetary policy, debt, privatization of national resource of the debtor, military occupation and threat of war at the knees of the America of the 50’s - present. Unfortunately, they have more people, less constraints on their leadership and also are investing in the weapons of the 21st century. In the 40’s we had prop engine, planes, battleships, no satellites, no nukes, no hypersonic missiles, no internet and that ls a very short list of major differences. The world we live in is much deadlier when it comes to warfare. Making the use of no less force very difficult but the folly of inaction is even more deadly. The Great War (can war be great, it can only be widespread) buried 40-50 MM people. A WW3 type war would level the planet and be nuclear 100% guaranteed. It seems the bullies are now using nukes as their wedgie. Simply embarrassing the west is very very much the point. Discrediting liberal democracy (people have rights) is part of phase one in the plan ti bring American work powers to an end hobble western democracy. They don’t need to defeat us, they simply need to herd us into the slaughter house of our own internal conflict. Another unfortunate fact. The weapons America is awash in are much deadlier, think M1 carbine vs AR-15, enough said. They are also way more widespread, 82 MM guns in 1970, 130 MM guns on the streets in 2022. We are in trouble and the world order we created and prospered from in the post war period is advancing at break neck speed. This and technology conspire against us. Make our old power seem soft and the risk of setting off a WW3 a very serious threat when it comes to the bear and the panda. Extremely urgent issues that are hard to see a reasonable solution to stop its momentum. Thanks for the article!!