Scott Robert
2 min readJun 11, 2021


Get vaccinated or lose the ability to work in the healthcare profession. The 178 Healthcare workers in Houston who were suspended for refusing vaccinations is a good precedent. Hearing that they are refusing almost made my head EXPLODE. Having a history in providing healthcare services to acute care, psychiatric, convalescent and rehabilitation hospitals. I know healthcare workers know better! Their licenses require annual or bi-annual rectifications in certain disciplines, CPR, health certificates and TB tests in order for them to work with patients. Additionally, most are required to have immunizations against common diseases we have stamped out worldwide. For non-patient facing positions, I don’t know what is required. I do after 18 months of Covid understand very well what a Public Health Crisis requires. Especially after watching health care workers become death statistics to Covid throughout 2020. Not getting vaccinated while working in any healthcare setting is not a viable option and unacceptable to your patients, co-workers and the rest of society. Any facility or hospital that does not require vaccinations of healthcare workers should be given a short amount of time to purge all unvaccinated staff or be taken over by the state, shut down, patients transferred and loss of accreditation, insurance, Medicare and Medicaid payments.

Do No Harm – moral leadership and modeling good Public Health Policy. The Hippocratic Oath and moral, informed humanity demand we all get vaccinated to keep our country on the path to normal socialization and economic activity. In addition the world needs to be vaccinated and healthcare workers refusing to be vaccinated in the US could be misinterpreted and impact the truly ignorant in the 3rd and emerging worlds, where literacy is a privilege and real information is scarce. Healthcare workers are the tip of the spear. By spreading fear and demanding their “rights” and ‘liberty” to be the Typhoid Mary’s of the 2019-2021 Covid pandemic. They are sending the exact wrong message to the 15-20% of America and unknown numbers worldwide who don’t know what to believe.

Get another Job. Healthcare workers are obligated to follow best public healthcare practices and model those for society, educate others or chose another profession. If you prefer to stay unvaccinated, get another job. The vaccinated and those they love do not want you anywhere near us in a healthcare setting or in society, period. Work from home, do whatever you want but stay away from the rest of us.

Why we care if you get vaccinated. In case you’re wondering why the vaccinated care if you are. You’re a liability to society and danger to yourself and loved ones. We care about you, we don’t want you to get sick. We don’t what you to have survivor’s remorse when you infect/KILL someone you know, unwittingly. We also know you’re walking around like the rest of us, the vaccinated pretending to be vaccinated without a MASK. We don’t want the unvaccinated to create mutations that will spread and infect the world again. We think one pandemic is all we can take in this century!



Scott Robert
Scott Robert

Written by Scott Robert

Disciple, Guardian of Democracy, Capitalist, Social Justice Warrior, Seeker of Truth and Advocate for the Oppressed.

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