From Gen X to a Millennial. I agree!
find your passion not the best tasting Kool-aide. Your life will be more satisfying.
Warning, it may not all be sunshine and rainbows. Corp america provides a lot of security (until it doesn’t, you become middle age or older) and material allure. Stock options, they keep the morally pliable in line. But at what price?
The question becomes ..what does it gain a man to have all the riches in the world if it costs him his soul?…. (Borrowed liberally from the words of Christ).
Go after your dreams, save some acorns for the rainy days, they will come. Do something that earns you a a living where you don’t feel like you need a shower, the minute you walk into the office. Live your best life, the material life is not the best life. We need material goods to live and thrive. Going for the gold, does not mean leaving your soul on the field. Never equate your worth with your net worth. Those who do, never obtain either!
Great read!!