Excellent article. A very simple and factual discussion of a very intellectually challenging problem. We don’t have a lack of abundance. We have an embarrassment of abundance as the largest economy in the world. We have a lack of will to fix the probelm and a lack of intelligence to see 10 years into the future, when automation eliminates at least 45 percent of all jobs in America. It will be the breaking point. If we fail to plan for this certainty. All of the the lower classes will suffer and the Nobility, will laugh all the way to the bank and what most of those hope will mean the purging of the lower class and middle classes of society of “the takers”. They laugh that’s how they will eliminate social security and medicare. Sadly Ironic, THEY ARE THE TAKERS. The gilded age was similar. We took out the nobility at the time and leveled the scales a bit with a 90% tax rate above certain stratospheric income levels. Even at 90% tax they, the old money of the original settlers and the new robber barons of the time still experienced lives like royalty and left hefty inheritance which were in most cases squandered by THIER own progeny. Through inept Managment of businesses and their inherited wealth. They only thing they will suffer is a bruised ego!