Scott Robert
2 min readJan 25, 2022


Excellent article. I would venture a guess that most of us know or have at least one if not many more friends/loved ones and relatives that fit this exact same profile. It’s truly maddening and totally sad. Don’t lose the fight. Like an addict an intervention with plenty of “real facts” irrefutable facts, with backup information “in print” may be needed in some manner. Approach them with love and empathy. There is a reason a person of your brothers social status has been recruited for the army of MAGA zombies. Give voice to his general life complaints and if anyone has the resources to help eliminate any of the pressure points of control, the minions of evil (trump promoters) used to inflame his anger and thus their support. Help him. Love him, bombard him with the truth for every lie he believes. Take him out of his propaganda bubble. A nightly ride and ramble, reach out and be with this person several times a week. Show him what love really looks like by your actions. Help a homeless person, show kindness to every person with whom you interact (especially service and low wage workers) point out some facts about the working poor and why they should be looked out for by the rest of us. We are humans and our selfish, greedy, ability to ignore suffering around us and simply move on, is part of what I would describe as our “shitty attitude” God would call it our fallen nature or our evil hard hearts. Model good social behavior and love for everyone from lowest to highest. Show your disapproval with behavior not in alignment with love. If he is a Christian. Ask him what that means to him and if he is wrong correct him. The greatest call Jesus made was certainly to believe in him for salvation. But more important he told the deciples, the greatest tenants of the way. Faith, hope and love. Abide these 3 things. However the greatest of these is LOVE. Explain what love your neighbor as yourself really means in practical terms. This is not a majical plan of once and done. If you love your brother, he needs care like a dying person in hospice. Don’t let a week go by without several family members reaching out or stopping by. He will try and avoid you. Love means you never stop trying! The reason your article is so excellent is because we are all facing the facts that someone in our circle fits exactly the behavior of your brother.



Scott Robert
Scott Robert

Written by Scott Robert

Disciple, Guardian of Democracy, Capitalist, Social Justice Warrior, Seeker of Truth and Advocate for the Oppressed.

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