Excellent and spot on, thanks for the summary. Dems and progressives have a much broader support base with varied interests, which can be like herding cats. We get lost in the internal squabbles but have thus far at least come together on very important issues. President Biden has been the best president of my lifetime and I did not expect that. I was never a Biden supporter and like us all he has made many mistakes in legislation over his lifetime of service to the county. He basically (and African America Americans in South Carolina) saved us from an unhinged orange baboon playing dictator and selling out all of our national interests for him and his cronies. I shudder to think of Russia, Saudis Arabia and Turkey being sold our secrets along with the myriad of sycophants domestically and Christian Nationalists. We still have many many problems and the survival of out spices is at stake. Wealth hoarding and privatization of everything from climate, water, education, energy, government services, etc. by the super rich is also making our country poorer, stupider and more dangerous. Our constitutional republic is at stake and the ALEC lobby of the super rich wants a constitutional convention to rewrite our most sacred document that has plenty of flaws but is also a supreme aspiration of any government ever formed. They Thanks for the great read!! I look forward to more of your thoughts!! See the Center For Constitutional Rights for more info on ALEC, the Koch brother and the secrecy agenda to rewrite the constitution. Next post will have link, medium iPhone app still very glitchy 🤷♂️