Clear, concise and plainly stated for the layman! Thank you and keep it up. The captains of industry have indeed privatized profits and socialized loss, which as incredible as it sounds includes the huge bonuses those who destroy the markets and liquidity. We have a quandary, capitalism itself is a great system. However to eliminate abuse and abusers. Those entrusted with the financial well being of of or country and indeed the world, need to be held responsible when their greedy, grubby little brains and minions case a collapse. THAT MEANS JAIL TIME!! To whom much is given, much is required. They became stewards of the American cap at list system and its money. If they fuck up it should mean instant pain for them, their families and their future. 25 years minimum in a state prison (no rich guy jail). They should be immediately charged with R.I.C.O. Crimes and all of their assets seized from yachts to underwear. They lose EVERYTHING. Do that once, and you will see a big change at the top, that indeed helps the little man. Just one idea, many others need to be enacted to protect the many from the few. Let’s not sugar coat it. The Great fortunes on earth have been amazed by criminals. From Bill Gates stealing MS DOS, to trumps PIMP grandfather. The great fortunes need to be destroyed. The owners of these fortunes have bastardized the American system and bought off all law enforcement and legislators. They all need to be dealt with harshly (not violence), POVERTY! They are more afraid of poverty then jail. Let’s make them truly terrified that the great unwashed masses have arrived!!