Caren, Great points and very true. Val would never be my first choice for any position of power because she was a police chief in an abusive department. However, I do believe that we have plenty of retired law enforcement, ex-persecutors (a ton) and others from the criminal justice system in the democratic party. Most have either been supporters of or complicit in creating mass incaseration, the school to prison pipeline, qualified immunity, unchallenged police unions, asset seizure laws and private prision most of which should be unconstitutional. Today, if we completely disqualify them, the democrats today would be in deep trouble. Val's vetting should have started before she was ever elected. She may be doing penance for her sins in policing. I hope so, she can take on Little Marco with gusto and could win! Helping enlarge our Democrat Senate majority and allowing for true criminal justice reform. Forgiveness is divine, Val has mine as long as she has changed her ways/views and backs reform in policing. Marco has been a tool for foreign disinformation of the communists and authoritarians and other anti-democracy acts. That may finally move the Cuban voters in Florida. They may get Val on bad policing, but she will take the fight to Marco on a multitude of wimpy, sycophantic support for Trump the Chump and he may fold like the loser he truly is.