Buy do I agree. Law enforcement is well know to overreact and use storm trooper tactics in ordinary Americans in seeking search warrants. Standard practice is LIE, use hyperbolic and unprovable accessions, using a take down team to overwhelm and terrify. Etc etc. however, Trump as all ex president was given deference simply because we don’t prosecute or persecute ex president because the optics of political retaliation like authoritarians or third word counties is untenable for America. However, trump is a unique character and gleefully flouted norms. He deserves no deference regardless of his status as a former president, he deserves no quarter. Also, given his history’s in committing crimes in public blatantly, nearly a crime a day in public. How many is private is Unknow today. The minute they realized he had taken any defense documents (illigal whether classified or not) he should have been Truly Raided. Not notified in advance, not taken two years to search his residence. Does anyone believe he did jot photo copy the docs in two years. He even turned off his own video security that was trained on the door to his secret stash at one point. Was the at the day the Saudi’s and Russians were allowed to view his new cash source. What do you think? He should have been Truly Raided, yes no knock warrant, bash down the doors, handcuff and thrown on the floor anyone in the building. Maybe a flash bang for good measure. All of these things happen every single day in America to innocent or proven guilt later. How about asset seizure?
Where are the copies, we know he made them. Check the trump planes fight logs, any of the many trump properties found have copies. He is a grifter bad actor criminal. His organization is a International Criminal Enterprise. RICO HIM AND ALL HIS MINIONS. Pre trial asset seizure is legal and used against those unable to afford expensive lawyers Every day in America. Use the tools on him that are used on us the people anything less is unacceptable. Yes her sold at lest one batch of records to the Saudis. He and Kushner did it. They sold American Secrets to that Murderous Fuck Mohamed Bin Bonehead (MBBS) who in turn most likely shared info with the Russian and Turks. Why did the Saudi’s give Trump $2BB and Kushner $1 BB? We all know why and if the American Government is either Inept, scared or again letting our country descend into a Theocratic, Authoritarian, Corrupt, Lawless cesspool. They themselves need to be held accountable. Today, I have some faith in AG Garland, he is your classic unassuming, think he is weak because his is small and does not blister. Trump and his minions are active Domestic Terrorists. That did not bode well for Timothy Mc Vey. I hope trump and his accomplices meet the same fate. Here to AG Garland if he can throw the book at him. Shame if he does not!!!!