A perfect and simple to understand article. Excellent writing.. Your exactly right and why FUNDAMENTALISTS are plain wrong. Many other problems exist. Such as the alterior motives of the many Vatican councils, human misdirection and just plain fruad on the vast mostly illiterate Christian’s of the middle ages. The Bible is still the words and guidance of God and the very little slice of the life of Jesus. His words are of Love, the golden rule. If nothing else, if Christian’s adhere to this very difficult principal and confess and repent for salvation. They are in a good starting place. God programmed our entire being and gave us brains. Lazy Christianity in which a pastor or other authority is unquestionably followed, is not what god requires of his chosen elect. Basic common courtesy would dictate constants seeking and knocking (research and prayer). Works of love should be the overriding personal agenda of the followers of Jesus and the one true God.